In a world living at an ever faster pace, riddled with stress and negativity, it is of utmost importance to take care of oneself, before regretting.

You may have noticed around you the increasing number of burnout and other stress-related disorders. You might want to avoid being the next one to be affected, right ?

As coach and sophrologist, trained to practice meditation and Korean relaxation as well, I offer you a personalized action plan aimed at overcoming stress. My method willl drive you towards the assimilation of physiological and psychological strategies, along with organizational skills and anti-stress techniques.

By means of developing your positive side, I will help you to uproot the stress in a permanent manner, to regain your sleep and a balanced lifestyle.

I receive individually on a face to face basis, in Paris suburbs or in the city center. Telephone sessions are possible too. I also propose specific stays in Asia with inspired and inspiring professionals.

My commitment is to feel you in complete harmony with yourself, for a long time.

– Anne Chunleaud

What is sophrology ?

Sophrology was founded in 1960 by Dr. Alfonso Cayedo. It is a method halfway between medicine and psychology.

Sophrology is gaining increasing recognition as a new therapy, a new branch of medicine.

By its means, it manages to foster the positive forces within you.

It is the study of consciousness and of the values of existence. It is also a philosophy, an art of living, being, thinking.

Any symptom in your body is strictly intertwined with a disturbance in your spirit or in your mind.

It is absolutely essential to grapple with the deepest causes of the symptoms, and this is the very purpose of the sophrology therapy.